Unlock the Power of Affirmation: Visualize Your Desired Reality

“You are what you think. So just think big, believe big, act big, work big, give big, forgive big, laugh big, love big, and live big.”
– Andrew Carnegie

In the web of thoughts that govern our minds, every word we choose holds the potential for a profound impact on our energy and, consequently, our reality. Surprisingly, many remain oblivious to the immense influence language wields over our neural pathways. Unbeknownst to us, the words we use to shape our beliefs, and our brain, acting as a sophisticated GPS, navigate our life’s journey based on these internalized affirmations.

In light of the influence our thoughts and affirmations hold over our experiences, let’s delve deeper into the essence of affirmations and explore what they truly entail.

What are Affirmations?

“Affirmations are amazing fear breakers and belief creators.”
– Dr. Steve G. Jones, Clinical Hypnotherapist

Affirmations are short, simple, yet powerful positive statements or phrases that individuals repeat to themselves to influence their thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. The underlying principle is that the mind is a malleable entity, capable of restructuring its neural pathways through repetitive and intentional thought patterns.

The Neuroscience behind Affirmations

Affirmations, those uplifting statements we consciously repeat, hold a profound connection to the intricate workings of our brains, as unveiled by the field of neuroscience. The link between affirmations and brain plasticity sheds light on the transformative potential of positive self-talk.

Connection to Neuroplasticity

At the heart of this connection lies the concept of neuroplasticity – the brain’s incredible ability to reorganize itself by forming new neural connections. Affirmations act as catalysts, influencing and shaping these neural pathways.

Affirmations as Cognitive Restructuring

Regular practice of affirmations serve as a potent tool for cognitive restructuring. This process involves strengthening positive thought patterns while systematically replacing negative ones. Through consistent affirmation, the brain adapts, fostering a more optimistic and constructive mindset.

Role of the Reticular Activating System (RAS)

It is a crucial part of our brain, that filters information based on priorities set by our thoughts and affirmations. Affirmations, in this context, guide the RAS to focus on information that aligns with our positive statements, influencing our perception of the world.

In the space where affirmation meets neuroscience, the dynamic interaction between positive self-talk and the adaptability of our neural pathways come into play. Grasping this connection grants us the power to purposefully mold our thoughts, cultivating a mental landscape that is not only positive but also resilient. This understanding becomes a compass for intentional mindset shaping.

How to Write Affirmations?

Let’s start with something simple but powerful – gratitude. Before we dive into affirmations, let’s take a moment to appreciate what’s already around us. Remember, “The future is already here; it’s just unevenly distributed.” It means whatever you wish for is out there, someone is already living it. So, it’s possible that you have not received it yet.

Here’s a thought: each of us is living someone else’s dream. Your life might be someone else’s “I wish I could live like that” moment. Can we be grateful for that? 

Start your affirmations with ‘gratitude’

Gratitude becomes the starting point for affirmations. Be aware of the things you have before you wish for something you don’t have. When you express gratitude, you create space for more. It’s like saying, “I am so happy and grateful for all that I have.” 

First-Person Perspective and ‘I AM’

The first-person perspective, coupled with the powerful words ‘I AM,’ forms the cornerstone of effective affirmations. This approach empowers individuals to define and embody their true selves.


Keep your affirmations short and focused. For instance, “I am confident and resilient.”

Positive statements 

Infuse your statements with positive phrasing. Instead of saying “I am not stressed,” go for “I am calm and at ease.”

Present Tense, Immediacy 

Write your affirmations as if they are already happening. For example, “I am attracting success and opportunities into my life right now.”

Things to take care of while writing Affirmations


Pick up a Time 

You can say affirmations to yourself here and there throughout the day, however, to deeply practice them, it is important to dedicate time. Pick any time of the day, just think it might be morning somewhere around the world.

Repeat affirmations 

There is no restriction on how many affirmations you can include in one list, so be sure to read or listen to this list more than once. Go through each affirmation once, then repeat the process. The first time, affirmations are brief sentences; with repetition, your mind will better internalize them.

Do it in the right environment 

To practice affirmations, find a quiet, peaceful area. If you want to be somewhere where it’s easier for your mind to relax, you may also put on some calming, contemplative music or take a seat outside. Take a deep breath and settle into a state of calm.

Place affirmations around yourself 

To constantly remind your mind that these are the phrases you should be saying to yourself, place them like encouraging cues around your house or in the areas you frequent the most.

The Triple Five Method

One technique to expedite the impact of affirmations is the “Triple Five” method. Devote a dedicated time each week to write down affirmations 55 times in one sitting. The repetition, coupled with a consistent time commitment, reinforces the affirmations, fostering a deeper connection between the mind and the desired reality.

The role of intent and gratitude

Affirmations are not mere requests; they are expressions of positive intent. Before embarking on the creation of something new, gratitude for existing blessings forms the foundational step. Just as a chef requires a clear and unwavering order to prepare a meal, affirmations necessitate a focused and consistent intent.

Visualization – The missing link

Beyond mere repetition, affirmations gain potency through visualization. Close your eyes, envision the realization of your affirmation, and immerse yourself in the accompanying emotions of success. With words and thoughts, affirmations act as powerful conductors, shaping the neural melodies that steer our reality.

How do Affirmations work?


“Neurons that fire together, wire together.”
– Donald Hebb, Neuropsychologist

The inherent potency of words, when channeled inward through positive self-talk, can reshape our internal state. Given that our minds don’t discern between reality and imagination, affirmations serve as a means to program our minds, effectively ‘rewiring’ the brain. 

Affirmations work through a combination of psychological and neurological processes, influencing the way we think, feel, and act. Here’s a breakdown of how affirmations operate:


Affirmations tap into the concept of neuroplasticity, the brain’s ability to reorganize itself by forming new neural connections. When we repeat affirmations consistently, we stimulate specific neural pathways associated with positive thoughts and beliefs. Over time, this can lead to the strengthening of these pathways, making positive thinking more automatic.

Positive Reinforcement

Affirmations serve as a form of positive reinforcement. By focusing on positive statements about ourselves and our capabilities, we reinforce a positive self-image. This can counteract negative self-talk and build self-confidence.

Shaping Beliefs

Affirmations contribute to shaping our beliefs. When we consistently affirm positive qualities or envision successful outcomes, we influence our subconscious mind. This, in turn, can impact our beliefs about what is possible, fostering a more optimistic and growth-oriented mindset.

Cognitive Restructuring

Affirmations facilitate cognitive restructuring by challenging and replacing negative thoughts with positive ones. This process involves consciously choosing to replace self-limiting beliefs with empowering statements, gradually altering the way we perceive ourselves and the world.

Counteracting Negative Self-Talk

Affirmations act as a counterforce to negative self-talk, which can be a significant obstacle to personal growth. By consciously replacing negative thoughts with positive affirmations, individuals disrupt the cycle of self-doubt and foster a more constructive inner dialogue.

Affirmations serve as powerful tools that operate at the intersection of psychology and neuroscience, offering a pathway to transformative change.

Despite the potential transformative power of affirmations, there are instances where individuals find them ineffective. Several factors contribute to this phenomenon:


If what you believe doesn’t match what you write in affirmations, then they won’t be effective. For affirmations to work, your beliefs must align with the words you’re saying.

Frequently changing affirmations

Imagine going to a restaurant and placing an order for a meal. Within a few minutes, you decide to change it. In this scenario, the chef encounters challenges in preparing the meal due to the constant alterations. Similarly, affirmations lose their effectiveness when subjected to frequent changes. Be intentional about the affirmations you choose, akin to selecting a meal, and patiently allow them the time to take effect, much like waiting for your ordered dish to be served.

Personalize your affirmations

Affirmations are like personal messages you tell yourself. They need to be about you – what you want and believe in. You can’t use affirmations for someone else; they’re for your dreams and goals. So, when you write affirmations, think about what matters to you and what positive things you want for yourself.


For affirmations to work, it’s important to do them regularly. Find a quiet place, and make it a habit. Consistency and a calm setting boost their effectiveness.

Incorporating affirmations into your daily routine offers a powerful means of nurturing positive change. The transformative potential of affirmations lies in the commitment to this practice, allowing the chosen words to echo within and guide you toward a more positive and fulfilling life.














Written By: Dr. Jimmy Jain
Edited By: Afreen Fatima

Society of Design Thinking Professionals




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