Unlocking Sales Success: The Power of Addressing Decision Criteria

In the sales realm, understanding, and fulfilling customer needs has always been a fundamental principle. Aspiring to be the top guy for any customer in the sales department, Vaibhav, armed with enthusiasm, confidence, and a newly earned degree in business became a part of a renowned company, ready to conquer new heights.

As he entered the bustling sales floor, the energy was palpable. This world was entirely different from the serene halls of academia. Within a few days, he realized that the journey ahead would be challenging and would need a mentor to chime well with an understanding of the sales world. Without wasting a minute, he called his uncle and walked him through his struggle. They fixed a day and began their journey to rise above the challenges meticulously.  

They have gone through the buying and selling process dynamics, the myths and facts about sales, the FAB model, and understanding and meeting customer needs.

Vaibhav, your ability to manage the decision process with numerous business influencers will be important to reaching your quota as you advance in your career and sell larger contracts and interact with more decision-makers. “Getting multithreaded in your opportunities” is a word we frequently utilize. It is a skill set that requires discipline and commitment to properly traverse the decision-making process, elaborated Siva.

Your customers’ decision criteria are the road map to closing deals and building long-term relationships.
– Brian Tracy

Neil Rackham introduces a transformative approach that goes beyond merely addressing customer needs. Rackham’s methodology emphasizes the importance of uncovering and addressing customers’ decision criteria. By recognizing the factors that shape customers’ buying decisions, sales professionals can effectively tailor their offerings, build stronger relationships, and drive sales success, added Siva.

Vaibhav, let’s delve into the concept of decision criteria exploring its significance and practical implementation in today’s selling environment.

Beyond Needs: The Significance of Decision Criteria

“Selling is a two-way process equally involving your mind and the mind of your customer.” 

Vaibhav, the moment you decide to be successful in selling, it is a must for you to know a great deal about perceptions and concepts that exist in the minds of your potential customers. It is the simple mantra to successfully convert your deals, said Siva.

Once you establish the needs of your customers, their attention shifts to deciding the relative importance of the need, developing criteria to make a purchase decision, and using these criteria to evaluate alternative solutions or businesses. This is known as the decision criteria, he added. 

While customer needs focus on identifying and resolving pain points, decision criteria delve deeper into the factors that influence customers’ purchasing decisions. Decision criteria encompass the range of considerations that customers weigh when evaluating solutions, including factors such as cost, quality, functionality, and compatibility with existing systems. By understanding decision criteria, you can align your offerings to meet customers’ specific requirements and enhance their chances of securing a sale, stated Siva.

In the process, you might get confused or agitated when you experience sales resistance, however, you have to keep your cool while setting the foundation for the decision criteria for your customers, said Siva reminiscing his time as a fresher. 

As we discussed earlier, I should be able to discover their challenges and understand the kind of problems they are trying to solve, added Vaibhav.

Yes, Vaibhav, you have to unfold the explicit and implicit criteria that your customer uses to make a decision, said Siva.

Ok, I understood, uncle, chuckled Vaibhav.

Now, let’s understand the needs and criteria, and how they influence a successful sale.

Needs and Criteria: Bridging the Gap

Vaibhav, needs, and decision criteria are interconnected aspects of the buying process. While needs address the pain points and challenges faced by customers, decision criteria provide the framework for evaluating and comparing potential solutions. You must understand the nuanced relationship between needs and criteria to effectively position your offerings and address customers’ concerns.

Decision criteria depend on the way a customer thinks about their needs, whether they are crucial or incidental. Crucial needs are the fundamental or significant requirements to achieve a customer’s desired outcome. On the other hand, incidental needs are secondary or peripheral requirements that customers may have, however, are not critical to their decision-making process.

For example, people book their hotels with different preference criteria. Some may look for the comfortable and cozy ambiance, or amazing view, or better connectivity, or cleanliness and hygiene, or a place with good food. Every individual makes a mental map of their needs, instead of speaking of them. They compare the options based on their crucial and incidental needs. 

“One person’s crucial need might be another’s incidental need.”

It is your job, Vaibhav, to understand their needs and decision criteria in such a way that you are able to provide the product or service exactly the way they have in their minds, said Siva

Let’s understand this with another example, a father and his son enter a showroom with the intention of purchasing a bike, however, their needs and preferences differ significantly. Son values sleek design, style, performance, and long-distance capabilities. Meanwhile, the father prioritizes safety, ease of maintenance, and a high mileage. 

So, Vaibhav, you engage with the father and son, asking open-ended questions to uncover their needs and decision criteria through probing (it is our next topic). Probing refers to a specific technique used to gather more detailed information, uncover underlying needs, and explore customers’ perspectives. 

It will help you address their decision criteria, understand their needs, find a common ground to bridge the gap between their needs, and identify the bikes that meet their decision criteria. You recommend to them ample options to compare with a combination of power and performance. You emphasize how those options satisfy their unique preferences, creating a win-win scenario. 

Vaibhav, by understanding and addressing their distinct needs and decision criteria, you can successfully guide them towards a bike that meets their preferences. Through effective communication and tailored recommendations, you can ensure a satisfying purchase experience for both father and son, resulting in a successful sale and happy customers, explained Siva.

By aligning my sales efforts with customers’ decision criteria, I can demonstrate a deep understanding of their needs and provide solutions that resonate with their specific requirements, said Vaibhav. 

Indeed, Vaibhav, I am impressed by the way you grasp the concepts so quickly, smiled Siva.

Vaibhav, do you want to know the role of decision criteria in the sales success, asked Siva.

Yes, uncle, said Vaibhav.

Impact of Decision Criteria on Sales Success

The impact of decision criteria on sales success cannot be overstated, and Neil Rackham’s methodology recognizes this crucial aspect of the sales process. By understanding and effectively addressing customers’ decision criteria, Vaibhav, you can significantly increase the chances of closing deals and achieving sales success, said Siva.

Let’s explore the impact of decision criteria:

Increased Relevance

By uncovering and addressing decision criteria, you demonstrate a deep understanding of your customer’s specific needs and challenges. This level of relevance establishes credibility and builds trust, as customers feel that their unique requirements are being acknowledged and taken seriously. When customers perceive you as being genuinely concerned about their decision criteria, they are more likely to engage in meaningful discussions and consider the proposed solutions.

Customized Solutions

Decision criteria provide valuable insights into customers’ preferences and expectations. By aligning their offerings with these criteria, you can tailor solutions that address customers’ specific requirements. This customization enhances the value proposition and increases the likelihood of meeting customers’ expectations. By demonstrating that your solutions directly address decision criteria, you differentiate yourself from competitors and position yourself as a trusted advisor who can provide the most relevant and effective solutions.

Improved Sales Forecasting

Understanding customers’ decision criteria allows you to forecast the outcome of sales opportunities. By aligning the offerings with these criteria, you gain insights into the factors that influence customers’ buying decisions. This knowledge enables you to assess the viability of sales opportunities more effectively and allocate resources accordingly. By focusing efforts on opportunities where the solution aligns well with the decision criteria, you can improve your forecasting accuracy and maximize your sales efficiency.

Enhanced Objection Handling

Decision criteria also play a significant role in objection handling. By proactively addressing decision criteria throughout the sales process, you can preemptively alleviate potential objections. When objections do arise, you can use your understanding of decision criteria to provide compelling responses that directly address customers’ concerns. By demonstrating how your solution meets customers’ decision criteria, you can effectively overcome objections and maintain the momentum of the sales process.

Stronger Customer Relationships

Addressing decision criteria fosters stronger customer relationships built on trust and understanding. By aligning solutions with customers’ specific requirements, you demonstrate a commitment to delivering value and helping customers achieve your goals. This customer-centric approach creates a foundation for long-term partnerships, as customers recognize your ability to consistently meet their needs and deliver results. Stronger relationships lead to increased customer loyalty, repeat business, and referrals, further contributing to sales success.

Incorporating decision criteria can empower you, Vaibhav, to go beyond surface-level needs and truly understand the factors that drive customers’ buying decisions. By leveraging this understanding and aligning your offerings accordingly, you can increase your relevance, provide customized solutions, improve sales forecasting accuracy, handle objections effectively, and build stronger customer relationships. The impact of decision criteria on sales success is undeniable, making it an essential aspect of the sales process, said Siva.

The way you make me understand the concepts so elaborately boosts my confidence to achieve all my future endeavors successfully. Thank you so much, uncle, for being my mentor, and guiding light, said Viabhav emotionally.

Siva smiled and asked Vaibhav to be the torchbearer of the knowledge and keep passing it on. 

Of course, uncle, I will keep helping and supporting my people just like you guide me, said Vaibhav reassuringly. 







Written By: Jimmy Jain
Edited By: Afreen Fatima

Society of Design Thinking Professionals


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