Unlock the Untapped Potential of After-Sales Service

Vaibhav, a recent college graduate, joined a renowned company as a sales professional, driven by his passion for building relationships and achieving success. However, he soon realized that navigating the complexities of sales required guidance. Seeking support, Vaibhav turned to his uncle, Sivaranjan, a Vice President of a major corporation. Recognizing Vaibhav’s enthusiasm, Sivaranjan agreed to mentor him, setting them on a journey to unravel the secrets of sales success.

As Sivaranjan was sharing invaluable lessons learned from his successful career, Vaibhav began to unravel the nuances of effective sales strategies. He realized the importance of building genuine connections with customers, understanding their needs, and tailoring solutions that would truly benefit them. Vaibhav was honing skills, gaining confidence and finesse in his approach as he covered the buying and selling process dynamics, the myths and facts about sales, the FAB model, understanding and meeting customer needs, the decision criteria in detail, the art of probing, open and closed-ended questions, the art of sales storytelling, ways to weave a sales story, the techniques to close a sales call, and the psychology of closing sales calls.

Vaibhav, did it happen to you—you fall in love with a brand and make a purchase, and then zero communication after that—radio silence, asked Siva.

Yes, uncle, I have come across instances where there is no check-in, support or follow-up, answered Vaibhav.

That’s the case, Vaibhav, according to studies, 83% of consumers switch to another brand after just one terrible customer service experience – the bulk of these incidents may occur after conversion. 

That is why constant after-sales assistance is quintessential to stay in the game for good. Selling to a customer is similar to winning a game of chess and you must plan several moves ahead of time to stay on top of the competition. People who have a favorable after-sales experience are more likely to purchase again, post positive reviews, and increase their revenue through positive word-of-mouth, explained Siva.

So, today, we will deep dive into the significance of after-sales support and explore the tips and strategies to make sure you leave your customers happy long after the conversion.

What Is After-Sales Service?

“After-sales service is more important than assistance before sales. It is through such service that one gets repeat customers.”
— Konosuke Matsushita

After-sales service refers to the assistance and support given to clients post their purchase. It encompasses activities that occur post-purchase, aiming to enhance customer satisfaction, address concerns, and build long-term relationships. This phase of the sales process extends beyond the initial transaction and focuses on nurturing customer loyalty and advocacy.

Vaibhav, customers today are more knowledgeable and empowered. As a result, expectations for excellent customer service, sales knowledge, and solid technical support have skyrocketed. Every brand faces fierce competition, as consumers undertake extensive research before making a purchase, said Siva. 

He continued, “They expect businesses to meet their needs and solve their problems through ways of their choice and convenience.” It is particularly important when making significant purchases. The buyer will not only purchase your product, but they will also want the future service to meet their expectations and be easily available. Thus, after-sales services are critical in a customer’s purchasing choice.”

Uncle, it means I have to stay in contact with my customers even after closing the sales, and I always thought, closing the call is the last step of the process. Now I understand why it was so challenging for me to create a clan of permanent customers, their permanence totally depends on the way I approach and make sure there are lasting customer relationships, said Vaibhav putting thoughts in every word he spoke.

Yes, Vaibhav, after-sales service is all the things you do to take care of your valued customers and it is never enough to say “Thank you” or “Let’s stay in touch” after you close a sales call. You have to hold the fort of long-term success together by building on real and genuine customer relationships, added Siva.

Vaibhav, you might have heard of the saying, “Customer is the king.” It is true as top-quality sales service is good for you because it’s good for your customer. They are inherently happier with your product or service if you assist them in getting the most out of it. This increases their likelihood of ordering again and spreading the word.

Let me put it another way, the more you impress your customers, the more likely they are to reward you with their devotion and loyalty. They’ll become reviewers, brand ambassadors, and trusted voices who will offer you positive feedback, shout your praises on social media, and provide honest input on new products and features, said Siva in an explanatory tone.

It makes keeping the customers happy imperative for a business while driving new business, said Vaibhav while lost in thought.

Vaibhav, in today’s customer-centric market, organizations have moved from using terms like “after sales” or “service department” to the more encompassing “customer support.” This shift reflects the commitment to supporting customers in every possible way and acknowledging the human connection between the organization and its customers, addressing both rational and emotional needs.

However, the evolution doesn’t stop there. Forward-thinking companies are now transitioning from customer support to “customer experience,” making it everyone’s responsibility within the organization. Customer experience encompasses every touchpoint, recognizing that each interaction is an opportunity to create a positive and memorable journey for the customer.

By elevating customer experience as a collective responsibility, organizations aim to create seamless and delightful experiences throughout the customer’s interaction with the brand. This holistic approach ensures that every employee contributes to delivering exceptional experiences that foster customer loyalty and advocacy, driving long-term success for the organization, elaborated Siva. 

It means customer experience is “everyone’s baby” as every employee plays a role in shaping and delivering a memorable experience for the customers, asked Vaibhav.

Siva nodded by saying, “It’s time to look at the importance of customer support.

Payoffs Of Customer Support

Vaibhav, most businesses do not strive to pull the carpet from under their customers after the sale. Businesses frequently pay extra attention to prospective clients in order to expand their customer base. Investing extra time and effort in converting leads pays off right away with their first transaction as a client.

As a result, there is a cycle in which pre-sales experience is prioritized above post-sales experience. You may suddenly realize that your clients are not being treated as well as you would like them to be—or as they would expect based on your exceptional sales experience, said Siva.

After-sales can do wonders for businesses and here are some of its top payoffs:

Customer Satisfaction

Vaibhav, effective after-sales service plays a vital role in ensuring customer satisfaction. By providing prompt assistance, resolving issues, and offering ongoing support, businesses demonstrate their commitment to customer success. Satisfied customers are more likely to become loyal brand advocates and generate positive word-of-mouth, said Siva.

Repeat Business

According to Shep Hyken’s CX consulting firm’s 2020 report, 96% of customers are prepared to quit their organization if they experience poor service.

You know investing in after-sales service fosters customer loyalty, increasing the likelihood of repeat business. When customers experience exceptional support and feel valued even after their purchase, they are more inclined to choose the same company for future needs. This not only boosts sales revenue but also strengthens the overall customer base, explained Siva.

Brand Reputation

Remember Vaibhav, “Leads referred to your company by prior, satisfied clients are the most important commodity in your sales funnel. They have a 16% higher lifetime value and are four times more likely to convert than other sources of leads.”

Providing excellent after-service sales increases the number of consumers ready to suggest others. And, given that 65% of new business leads come from referrals, it’s vital that your existing clients are satisfied with your after-sales support.

A lot of studies have found that a positive post-sales experience improves the overall brand image, which encourages consumer loyalty. Ensuring that your brand is perceived as trustworthy and helpful is critical to customers returning to purchase in the future. 

It can help boost conversion rates and lower churn. While short-term sales may seem fantastic on your revenue chart, investing in continuing customer happiness ensures that you will continue to obtain sales in the future, said Siva.

Now I understand that good customer experience starts with proactive planning and proper strategizing. I have to make sure that I don’t lose them out on it due to rudimentary issues along the way. After-sales customer experience is entirely my responsibility, added Vaibhav.

Yes, Vaibhav, existing customers are the treasure trove of any business as persuading existing consumers to make a repeat purchase is considerably more cost-effective than acquiring a new customer. To build a dependable customer base, you must rely on your present customers, said Siva.

Shall we move to learn about the types of after-sales services, asked Siva.

Yes, uncle, said Vaibhav.

Different Ways To Enhance Customer Experience

Vaibhav, if you want to retain more loyal customers, then take the help of these after-sales service types.

1. Education 

Customers are educated through live demo sessions or pre-recorded explanation videos. Perhaps your product employs sophisticated technology or has underutilized features that your customers must learn to use. Take note of the most typical obstacles they confront when utilizing your offering. This may allow you to build learning materials for them, whether they are tutorial videos, applications, or presentations.

Ikea is a popular furniture manufacturer whose assembly instructions have a long history of giving buyers nightmares. When it comes to assembling furniture parts into something usable, users frequently feel left out of the loop.

The Swedish furniture company saw the issue and prepared a whole playlist of how-to videos on YouTube. These videos are quite detailed and supplement the printed instructions that come with the furniture, making it possible for their clients to easily assemble the parts. The educational content on the playlist includes tips and ideas on how to organize, how to install, how to decorate, and more.

2. Usage-related assistance

Advising your customers on how to use the product or service most effectively. Initial usage guidance is necessary if your product is not turnkey or requires reinstallation. From remote product configuration to troubleshooting suggestions, quality help allows clients to make the most of your offering.

Lenovo, one of the world’s largest computing equipment manufacturers, provides after-sales support through the Lenovo Vantage program.

Lenovo users may use the app to adjust device settings, run diagnostics, update drivers, and improve their PCs.  It enables consumers to detect and troubleshoot difficulties on their own and to contact the Lenovo support team if they require additional assistance. 

Lenovo built it to provide users with three benefits: increased battery life, automated PC updates via expert help, and a proactive warning system to prevent network disasters.

3. Support 

You have to be available to resolve client issues or complaints on online and offline venues. Regardless of your efforts to demystify usage-related difficulties, your clients will still require immediate, on-demand customer help. Examine your customers’ post-purchase behavior and provide self-service options to help them solve frequent problems. Deploy channels that are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week so that your customers may reach you whenever and wherever they want.

Shopify, a renowned e-commerce platform, is well-known for providing exceptional customer support. They’ve found the channels that their consumers like and are delivering after-sales care through those channels. 

Shopify, for example, has a dedicated Twitter handle for answering client questions. All their customers have to do is tweet their difficulties and mention @Shopify, and they’ll get quick help. By promoting its knowledge base and support articles, the e-commerce site also uses its social handle to alleviate worries about new updates and features.

4. Rewards 

Customers will be delighted with loyalty awards, unique deals, and regular updates. Customers that interact with your company on a regular basis need to be praised. Reward them with unique benefits, freebies, or early access to new offerings. Customers may welcome a free upgrade or no-cost repairs on electronic devices.

Popular online bookstore Barnes & Noble offers a rewards program for a fee. Customers can join this program for $39.99 per year and be elevated to VIP status.

These VIP members get a 10% discount on all purchases. When consumers check out at Barnes & Noble, they are asked if they are members of the reward program. If they are, they will receive a 10% discount with no questions asked. If a customer isn’t, the checkout staff discusses the benefits of the program and asks if they want to enlist.

Since Amazon’s rise to prominence, bookstores have struggled to compete with the online retailer’s aggressive price-cutting initiatives. Despite fierce competition from Amazon, the Barnes & Noble loyalty program, as well as similar programs by publishers and bookstores, have increased engagement and sales.

5. Assurance 

Informing the customer that if the acquired goods are damaged or not functioning properly, they can be returned or exchanged. Policies such as guarantees, warranties, refunds, upgrades, and replacements are examples of assurance that can build trust and confidence in people.

AppleCare covers the expense of manufacturing problems for a year from the date of purchase.

After purchasing, you will also receive 90 days of free technical assistance. Customers who purchase AppleCare coverage can even extend the warranty period on their products. AppleCare represents the company’s dedication to delivering high-quality goods and providing even superior support. 

Customers can use Apple’s warranty program to get in-person or mail-in repairs, as well as technical support from Apple’s staff for diagnosing software-related issues. The warranty is also transferrable in the event that a user resells or purchases a new product. 

You see, Vaibhav, brands are going above and beyond to build long-lasting relationships as the after-sales service is the most pivotal part of the sales process. You have to invest in effective after-sales service, companies can differentiate themselves from competitors, enhance their brand reputation, and cultivate a strong customer base, said Siva. 

Yes, uncle, as a sales professional, I have to navigate the complex world of sales, recognizing the importance of after-sales service and its impact on customer satisfaction and loyalty. By delivering exceptional post-purchase experiences, I can build enduring customer relationships, drive business growth, and create a positive and enduring impact on my organization’s success, added Vaibhav to his uncle’s remark.

One thing that is crucial to build long-lasting relationships is to measure customer satisfaction in the form of a simple survey, said Siva.

Uncle, customer satisfaction is intangible, is there a way to tangibly measure it, asked Vaibhav.

Yes, with the help of Net Promoter Score (NPS), you can measure customer satisfaction, and it is our agenda for the next meeting, said Siva.

Wow, I can’t wait to learn about converting something intangible into tangible, said Vaibhav surprisingly.

Siva laughed at Vaibhav’s curiosity. 


Bain & Company. (2003). The One Number You Need to Grow. Retrieved from 













Written By: Jimmy Jain
Edited By: Afreen Fatima

Society of Design Thinking Professionals


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