DEAL – Designing an Exceptionally Amazing Life

We keep living, sometimes not even conscious of our breathing until everything stops making any sense. We lose interest in our relationships, lose confidence, perspective, and purpose in life. We only pay attention to the collapsing life when it starts to leave its mark on everything that matters in life. It is when our inner alarm activates and pushes us to collect ourselves and bring new colours into our lives. 

The same scenario was happening with Ankit, he was going with the flow, without paying any heed to where it was going. He was looking at his colleagues and their success stories and wishing to do more in life, however, his enthusiasm used to sink with time. He had no clue how to put back the right pieces to have a happy life. It happens with almost every person in their walks of life. 

We find ourselves confused, looking for an appropriate anchor to live life to the fullest. However, it takes the next level of discovery to find a balance in life. Amazing life starts with taking the first step to look within and value ourselves for the way we are. Everyone wants to have an exceptionally amazing life, however, most of the time we end up embracing someone else’s idea of an exceptional life. We merely question ourselves, let alone create our version of life. 

We keep making deals regarding losing weight, bringing in new leads, or cracking the next level of sales. But, we often forget to sign a deal with our inner self. We continue living life the way it is and procrastinating, yet anticipating to set a planned and mapped sail. 

We prioritize everything but ourselves. We are aware of the fact that we are living this conscious life, the question is, are we living or just existing? We all make plans for tomorrow, however, statistics say, “Nearly 250,000 people die every day due to various causes, and they do not get to see another day. Even a day sounds like a faraway journey, when there is no surety of the next breath. It is a harsh reality, but we all sleep at night with only a hope of seeing the light of the day. In that case, should we wait for a second chance? Should we postpone our plans for tomorrow? 

It is entirely in our hands to make our life exceptional or conventional. How would it be if we unlocked a way to design the life of our dreams, a process that opens the gates to an exceptionally amazing life. DEAL [Designing an Exceptionally Amazing Life] can be the anchor to give our lives a proper direction. For Naysayers, every possibility is untouchable, they invest their time in calculating the probability and risk rather than working in that direction. We cannot see gravitational force, we only experience it. Similarly, with these methods and techniques of transformation , we have to experience them to believe them. As Henry Ford said,“Whether you think you can or you can’t, you’re right.”

What are the Different Steps of DEAL?

It is everyone’s birthright to live an exceptional life. However, we all find ourselves in the rat race and whether we win or lose, we are still a rat. We all wish to live an exceptional life, and must work our way to have an exceptional life, however, there is something stopping us. If we look at the abundance and prosperity around us, all the beautiful things that life has given others could be ours too. It is only possible if we wish to accept that abundance. So, it’s time to shake ourselves and start being conscious about how we live and design our life. Here are the steps to do it.

1. Your mind is fertile, however, is the soil ready? 

Ask a farmer, who prepares the soil to cultivate a healthy crop. When the soil is ready, even if the seed is not of a good quality, it will germinate. However, when the soil is not ready, even a good quality seed will not germinate. Similarly, when we start on a new journey, a journey of awareness, we have to start with a clean slate, creating enough space to welcome new ideas, thoughts, and feelings. 

The first aspect to making the soil ready is the act of forgiveness.

  • Forgiveness

When it comes to forgiveness, we often end up thinking it is a process of forgiving the people who have hurt us in our journey, but it begins with forgiving ourselves for feeling so deeply and getting hurt. The entire idea of forgiveness is to forgive others for the way they made us feel rather than forgiving them for what they have done. If we do not forgive, we are stuck in life, so, to keep moving forward, we have to forgive and move past the hurt part. There are many methods and techniques which we can use to forgive ourselves and others. We deep dive into these techniques in our DEAL Program.

As a Sanskrit saying goes, “Sampoorna Samropana Pravapna,” we have to spread the seed across the field for the crop to be of better quality and quantity. Likewise, we have to look through all the facets of life to extract the meaning and purpose of our life.  

  • The Facets of Life (EPIC)

When it comes to having an overview of all the facets of life, it comprises Emotional, Physical, Intellectual, and Career growth. We all have a unique journey, a unique way of looking at life and responding to it. It is solely upto us to create, recreate, and design an exceptional way of living our life. When we blend these four facets of life, we give ourselves a well-designed and optimal life.  Even if one of them is missing out in our lives, our lives won’t be fulfilling. To know more about the balance in life, please visit the link below:

Many people start with planning the best version of their lives but fail to implement it in real life. We all want to be successful, we all want to have a magic touch to make everything possible, yet not everyone gets there, why? Because we often forget to tie our enthusiasm to goals, and it eventually fades away in the thin air. If we want to live a successful and exceptionally amazing life, then we have to anchor it to our goals and aims.

That is why it is so simple to earn a living nowadays. To make a living and maintain a family nowadays, you don’t need a lot of intellect or talent. We’ve reached a point of so-called “security.” So, all we have to do to succeed is decide how much above this plateau we want to go. 

The great wise men and professors, philosophers, and prophets have clashed on a variety of topics throughout history. Only on one point do they agree completely and unanimously: the key to success and failure is: Our thoughts make us who we are!

The great emperor, Marcus Aurelius said, “A man’s life is what his thoughts make of it.”

It begins with our thoughts and it starts to show in our actions and behaviours. So, we have to learn how to make the soil ready before learning something new and it is an ongoing process. The earlier we control our thoughts and give them a proper direction, the earlier we get to an exceptional and amazing life.

The best way to start is by writing down the manifestations, thoughts, feelings, and everything that takes you ahead in the spiral of life.

2. Awareness of Transference

In scientific terms, transference is a situation when a person redirects feelings and emotions unconsciously from one person to another. If a person is well aware of the concept of transference, he will always put forth his point of view rather than seeing the entire situation from someone else’s perspective. This gives birth to an individual point of view and helps the person to differentiate between their point of view and others.

3. Voice of Possibility

This world is full of possibilities, we just have to look within to find our voice of possibility. It is our inner voice that helps us in making decisions. There is no end to the way we look at the possibilities, it can be believing in what we see, thinking before believing in ourselves, letting the future use us, simply believing or having faith in the supreme power. It is all about how we surpass and understand the world full of possibilities and convert them into reality. To know more, please follow the link:

4. Awareness of the Impact of Toxic Culture on Mind and body

Once we are aware of the toxic environment and how it is affecting health, wellbeing, and happiness, we should find a way to eliminate it. It can either be the invention of our behaviour or the environment. If it is self-created, then we have to work on ourselves to find an escape, the same goes with the environment also.

It takes a lot of effort to build an exceptional and amazing life and it requires our constant willingness to do self-reflection and all the hard work. Living an exceptionally amazing life does not eliminate the setbacks, failures, and challenges, but it gives us a firm ground to find our existence. It helps us to navigate our way through everything this life has to throw our way.

If you want to know more about DEAL, then reach out to us at or you can follow the link below:


Written By: Jimmy Jain
Edited By: Afreen Fatima

Society of Design Thinking Professionals


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One comment

  • Vishal Soni

    March 6, 2022 at 6:20 am

    Insightful & lot of new learnings from this article, keep sharing the good work to the world 🌍 (Much Needed Gyaan).


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