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Design Thinking: Prototype and Test

When a design thinker needs to gain insights into the process, he has to carry out some prototypes. The process of creating prototypes comprises an early, economical, and basic version of the product to identify the problems with the current design. Prototyping brings forth the opportunity for the designers to breathe life into their ideas,...

Design Thinking: Ideate

“Leave it better than you found it.” – Bruce A. Nordstrom Design thinking is looking at the usual things with an unusual pair of glasses. It is all about having different perspectives about a single situation. The third stage of the Design Thinking process is Ideation, and it is the most rigorous of all. The...

Design Thinking: Empathy

As Julie Zhuo said, “If you’re interested in design, the best thing to find ideas is to find problems, and to find problems is to talk to people .” The process of Design Thinking cannot get a kick start without understanding people and the problems they might be facing. The first step of Design Thinking...

Redefining Leadership: The Mind-Body Connection

“Our mind, emotions, and body are the instruments and the way you align and tune them determines how well you play life.” – Harbhajan Singh Yogi Well-educated, well-established, doing well for herself, earning a fat paycheck, Nimisha seems to be living the life of her dreams. People aspire to be like her. Everything seems great,...

Design Thinking Model: DART

Innovation is the secret ingredient that keeps the cycle of progress and success going. We all experience problems in our day-to-day lives, these problems lead to the conflict of ideas, which further convert into creativity.  Finally, when there is a scope for enhancement or betterment in solving problems, this scope brings Design Thinking into the...

How to Invent Our Best Versions?

“The journey of the life we want starts with planting seeds within the journal’s blank pages. The idea is to be persistent and consistent with writing to see them bloom.” “A life worth living is a life worth recording,” says an American motivational speaker, entrepreneur, and author, Jim Rohn. If we ask any successful person,...

Where Do You See Your Leadership Lens?

Transference is when you have feelings about someone from your past, like a parent or friend, and you unintentionally direct those feelings toward someone in your present life, like a coworker or boss. Imagine this scenario: Sometimes, you store food in the fridge and forget about it. Over time, the food goes bad. You open...