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What Describes You As A Person?

Jahnvi seems to find managing people arduous as it is her first time with such a huge responsibility. When she came to know that she is being promoted to manager and will lead her team, she was ecstatic at the moment, however, later on, when she found herself drowned in enormous responsibilities, she was overwhelmed...

How To Effectively Capture The Power Of Imagination Using The DEW Method

J.K. Rowling gave a stirring graduation speech at Harvard University in 2008. It was, in many respects, enthralling, and it rapidly rose to the top of the Harvard website’s list of most-watched graduation speeches. Rowling advised graduates to harness the power of their imaginations because imagination helped her reconstruct her life. She describes the idea and function...

The “Eye” of Happiness

There once was a wealthy man, Ajay, who lived lavishly in a city. He was a successful entrepreneur and he had everything he needed. However, he was always troubled and agitated. He went to a Hermitage one day to visit a sage in a nearby village. Ajay explained his situation to the sage, saying that...

The Story of Legendary Stories

Eons ago, the city-state of Mahilaropyam in southern India was governed by Amarasakti. He had three rambunctious sons who were a constant source of anxiety for him. The king called upon his ministers and asked for their counsel after realizing that his sons had no interest in learning. Sumati, the king’s Prime Minister, proposed to...

How to Carve a Life of Your Dreams?

“So many things are possible, as long as you don’t know they are impossible.” We all fall into a phase where we question ourselves about what it takes. What it takes to understand that anything is possible, we all deserve a chance to achieve what we want, to achieve our dreams, when it makes sense...

Key To Unlock Customer Engagement

Rashi recently ordered a package from an Indian online site, Myntra (, a few dresses, and a pair of jeans. While she was at work, she got a notification that her package had arrived at her apartment. Needless to say, she was excited to reach home and open it up. She arrived home later that...