Make Your Way Up The Ladder

Professionalism branches out many parameters like performance excellence, operational brilliance, perseverance, engagement among employees, empathy, support, and motivation. A graduate learns everything about the corporate world in theory, and well, it is only normal to get the first job-jitters about his responsibilities as a part of an organization. Vaibhav was going through the same emotions when he reached out to his uncle, Sivaranjan, who stands firm on the grounds of the corporate world. 

For weeks now, Sivaranjan is doing Vaibhav a good turn on professionalism and how to be a good professional. Vaibhav is taking in the lessons diligently and moving up the ladder with conscious efforts. 

Uncle, we have covered the following topics up until now: The myths and realities of professionalism, the power of effective communication skills, the importance of nonverbal communication – body language, power dressing, effective verbal communication, introduction to written communication, email etiquette, the importance of values, how building habits shape our lives, working together can boost our productivity, and people reading guide.  

Fantastic Vaibhav, we have come a long way here. It’s not the end though. We have so much more to learn, so buckle up for the next corporate adventure.

Vaibhav, I am sure you might be fond of Cricket, asked Sivaranjan.

Vaibhav jumped with excitement before saying ‘yes.’ In the back of his head, he was thinking that this lesson is going to be about cricket and he had a wide grin on his face. 

Sivaranjan continued, “Do you remember the Champions Trophy 2017? When the Indian cricket team was competing in the Champions Trophy in 2017, things were not going well behind the scenes between Virat Kohli and Anil Kumble. They reached the finals, however, had to face a big defeat by Pakistan. 

Critics did not stop asking if India had to suffer as a result of the strained relationship between the coach and the captain. It was certainly not the only reason for India’s failure in the finals, however, we all know that a team’s morale and team spirit were heavily influenced by the interpersonal relationships among its members. Our corporate lives and the success of an organization are quite alike.

“People who work together should emphasize on bonding well with their team to perform at their best. Individuals must be honest with one another to maintain healthy interpersonal dynamics and, ultimately, a positive work environment.” 

One thing that balances everything else in a workplace is our interpersonal relationships with our colleagues or coworkers. Interpersonal relationships are equally significant and important in today’s workplace. Results are unavoidable in an organization where there is a top-down demonstration of a ‘one team’ approach from the leadership level to the nth level of the institution. Failures or challenges will always be a part of the journey, however, if the entire team works toward one goal and one objective while maintaining good interpersonal relationships and understanding among key stakeholders, it is a completely different story. Work culture and values are important to progressive and modern-day organizations.

Now, if we take care of our interpersonal relationships, we can emerge positively at work, enhance emotional intelligence and perform well at any level. Let’s understand interpersonal relationships better.

What Are Interpersonal Relationships?

In terms of other examples from cricket, there have been extremely successful relationships between a player—particularly a captain—and the coach, which created continuous sustained success for the team, and those squads delivered powerfully when it came time to showcase performance. Mickey Arthur and Graeme Smith (South Africa), Andy Flower and Andrew Strauss (England), Ganguly and John Wright (India), and perhaps the most successful interpersonal relationship comes to mind when Gary Kirsten and MS Dhoni (India) are mentioned – all of these have established where a team’s performance can reach, especially when the interpersonal relationships among the key personalities are good.

The fundamental concept of an Interpersonal Relationship is a strong bond between two or more people. Workplace interpersonal relationships are important for both job success and career advancement. Employees will be able to communicate and understand each other more effectively if they have positive interpersonal relationships.

Any of the following can form an interpersonal relationship within or outside of the workplace:

  • Individuals who work in the same organization
  • People who work on the same team
  • Relationships with customers
  • Office colleagues’/friends’ relationship
  • Relationships with people other than professionals (for example the servicemen, etc.)

See, the relationship you might have built with your friends at college or with the individuals you worked on projects with as a team, is an example of interpersonal relationships. When you all studied together for those four years, you participated in competitions together, worked as a team, and made quite a few friends for life. Somehow you ended up knowing them better while spending time together, this is how we build on our interpersonal relationships and excel together at the end of the day, explained Sivaranjan.

Wow, it’s an amazing approach to doing better as a team member, Vaibhav nodded his head in agreement.

How To Develop Interpersonal Relationships?

An individual spends approximately seven to eight hours per day at work, and it is practically impossible for him to work alone. At work, one needs people to talk to and discuss various issues. According to research, working in groups increases productivity significantly more than working alone. It also allows them to know each other better to create a healthy ambiance in the workplace.

Vaibhav, let’s look into various ways to improve interpersonal relationships when you enter the corporate world.

Increase your interaction with coworkers

Discussions must take place on an open platform where everyone is free to express their thoughts and opinions. Written communication is one of the most effective modes of communication in the workplace. Make your emails self-explanatory and include a cc to all relevant employees. Ignoring any of your coworkers may cause him harm and jeopardize your relationship with the individual in question. Avoid keeping things from your coworkers.

Stay true to your word

When you say what you do and do what you say, it becomes easier for people to put their faith in your words. Word patterns are powerful creative forces. They express our reality. They broadcast our hopes and dreams to the entire world. Our agreements are defined by them. They are also the foundation of personal integrity. Every time we speak, we follow some sort of path. The quality of that road, as well as its length, will be directly proportional to how well we maintain our integrity through our word and language choices. 

Meet your deadlines 

If you commit to completing work in the stipulated time, then stick to your timeline. You must know the value of your words. Setting and meeting deadlines on a regular basis can boost your and your team’s morale. Knowing you can set a clear timetable for your outstanding tasks and complete them on time can boost your confidence and self-esteem. As time is the most precious asset, respect it, and people will respect you. 

Be there in the morning meetings

They are a perfect way to start your day to interact with each other and discuss the plan for the day. Morning meetings can help employees break the ice and improve their understanding of the work of their colleagues. 

Take a spoonful of respect with colleagues

Respect for those around him will effectively foster good relationships and create an ideal work environment. Respect in the workplace can lead to misunderstandings and chaos. Be courteous and gracious and help improve the work of others. Have an ear for suggestions, feedback, and recommendations.

Practice self-awareness

Self-awareness refers to a person’s ability to recognize what they are feeling and why they are feeling it. Self-awareness is one of four components of emotional intelligence, according to psychologists: empathy, emotions, and relationship building.

Being aware of your emotions and feelings will assist you in understanding the information conveyed to others. Lack of self-awareness can have negative consequences in the workplace, resulting in lower productivity levels.

Be an active listener

When we hear something, we usually listen passively, expecting our brains to pick up on the main points and remember them later. However, active listening is an important skill for effective communication. It takes practice to become a better listener, however, it improves our ability to connect with others and retain information.

Communicate effectively

Communication is essential in our lives, whether at work or in our personal relationships. This could be the linchpin between failure and success. Due to misunderstandings and issues with delegation, poor communication can cause significant damage.

Culture, bonding, and socialization of interpersonal relationships all influence relationship dynamics and norms. They are critical for both human development and survival. As a result, people form their first interpersonal relationships as children. However, Vaibhav, it may take a lifetime to better your interpersonal relationships, said Sivaranjan vigilantly.

I got the point uncle, affirmed Vaibhav.

Now, let’s dive into the depths of its benefits.

How Do Interpersonal Relationships Help Boost Teamwork and Success?

Numerous studies have found that people who have strong relationships with their friends, family, and community members are happier, have fewer health problems, and live longer lives. It has been proven that maintaining interpersonal relationships is critical to our overall health. 

Relationships keep us in touch. They assist us in navigating our world, confronting challenges, celebrating victories, and overcoming stressful situations. Good relationships are one of our greatest blessings, despite the fact that they require effort. When we invest in interpersonal relationships, we generate feelings of openness, generosity, and goodwill.

Amps up your teamwork game

Career Addict stated in one of its published posts that teamwork boosts employee morale. It was stated, “When members of a team collaborate and share the workload, they feel a greater sense of accomplishment when they complete a task and reach a goal that they would not have been able to achieve if they worked alone. This, when combined with a sense of belonging, appreciation, and recognition, has the potential to significantly improve employee self-esteem and morale.”

Establishes stronger working relations 

You will develop a harmonious relationship with those around you if you respect and understand their concerns. For the team to succeed, asking for help from one another will become routine. The same is accurate when dealing with your boss and clients. Mutual respect, understanding, open communication, and active listening should all be present. There is a dire need for proper interpersonal skills to handle conversations without a hitch. When this occurs, you will have a better working relationship with your coworkers, employers, customers, and clients.

Builds a positive environment at work

Nobody wants to work and struggle in an environment where they might feel uneasy and unappreciated for their efforts. They will not produce positive work results if they are depressed as a result of what they see and hear. These may reflect the caliber of the work they will do. Camaraderie and better management will be achieved with improved interpersonal skills. They will be more motivated to perform better if their feedback and sentiments are properly heard.

Vaibhav, improving interpersonal skills is vital for every professional. These skills are essential for achieving greater success whether you work in a company-based office or remotely. They walk with you in every walk of your life, uttered Sivaranjan with wide eyes.

It is such a simple thing, yet so powerful. My ability to communicate, empathize, work efficiently in a team, and know the people around me better can take me to places. From now on, I will work on my interpersonal skills and bring synergy to the team, said Vaibhav with zeal.

That’s the kind of energy I expect from you Vaibhav, smiled Sivaranjan.,to%20our%20whole%20body%20wellness.×1080/getty_690855708_2000129320009280107_396987.jpg


Written By: Jimmy Jain
Edited By: Afreen Fatima

Society of Design Thinking Professionals


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