How to Carve a Life of Your Dreams?

“So many things are possible, as long as you don’t know they are impossible.”

We all fall into a phase where we question ourselves about what it takes. What it takes to understand that anything is possible, we all deserve a chance to achieve what we want, to achieve our dreams, when it makes sense to follow our passion.

History is the witness to testify the events made possible once deemed impossible. May it be reaching the moon, flying an airplane, or breaking world records. Imagine a scenario where nobody broke out of their shackles to make new records, to question things the way they were. 

The people who dare to imagine the impossible allow things to happen differently in their lives. They are the ones who dare to dream and strive to achieve. They are the ones who overcome the conditioning, the mental barriers and come up with a solution to find a way out. The stronger the purer the belief, the better it works. 

A tale of impossible to possible is not as easy as the describing words and is not earned in a day’s march. It takes long, mighty efforts, and a lot of courage to complete the journey. If we look at how Jorge Contreras, a successful coach, Airbnb, and real estate investor, turned tables for himself, then we can learn a lot about possibilities. 

Jorge is the author of the bestselling book, Breaking Through – My Journey from Impossible to I’m Possible. He broke through a life of adversity and became a millionaire by the age of 30. As a coach, he helps his students to achieve results in almost everything. His story is a lit inspiration, a narrative of self-actualization, and encouraging as it comes from the circumstances that doom most to failure.

Why Does It Seem Impossible?

The problem with today’s mentality is that we have become victims of probability. In a doctoral research, people from different age groups, gender, geography, having different work backgrounds and across the spectrum of age defined possibility as “a chance of occurrence of an event.”

That’s where, unknowingly, they have made a probability as a measure of reality that may not turn into reality. Think of this for a moment: In their words, the discoveries of the inventors, scientists, or explorers is a chance of occurrence of an event. These inventors did not go beyond their limits to prove their points, imagine what would have happened if there was no airplane today? Imagine what the naysayers said when somebody thought we could connect the world with the internet.

People tend to choose absurd examples to belittle all that is articulated to them. They will come up with metaphors and ridicule them, like, they will say if I sit in this chair and imagine $1000,000 to fall in my lap, is it possible? Yes, it is possible if they have faith, if they write it down, if they focus on getting what they want, and if they work in that direction, then certainly it will happen. Well, they must understand that action towards their dreams is essential, and doing karma is essential. 

We must acknowledge that when we do actions, then only things gain momentum. It took courage to figure out that reaching the moon was a possibility, however, there was still a need to take the necessary steps to reach the moon. The first step to making things possible is to believe in it, whether climbing Mount Everest, building skyscrapers, or doing anything that initially took the shape of impossibility. 

How to Make Impossible Possible?

When we talk about stories of people transforming from impossible to possible, many have made a difference and proved that nothing is impossible, but our only limit is our mindset. A man carved a path in a mountain ‘single-handedly.’ Manjhi – The Mountain Man was a labourer in Gehlaur, Bihar,India. He took an impossible job in his hands of carving a 110m long, 9.1m wide and 7.7m deep path with his chisel and hammer. It took him 22 years to successfully add a feather in the cap of turning impossible into possible. People laughed and discouraged him, however, he kept doing his work. He made a difference with his efforts and firm determination.

It’s a pity when people believe that having faith is enough, and there is no need to put in the actual action. However, the research indicated that having faith gives a head start to put in the action. The brain does the job of figuring it out, and there is a stepwise process to make the impossible possible.

1. Update your To-Do List Every Week

It will require you to spend time thinking about and organizing your priorities. Always stick to two or three priorities per week. Keep in mind that you want to devote all of your energy to reach your goals. When you achieve your goals/priorities, your body releases dopamine. This hormone encourages you to work hard to attain satisfaction by achieving your goal.

2. Apply Pomodoro Technique

It is a time management method that encourages people to work with a deadline to meet. The strategy is about dividing the working hours into 25-minute sections with a break of five minutes. It works by instilling a sense of urgency by using a timer. You know you have 25 minutes to make as much progress on a task as possible, rather than feeling like you have unlimited time in the workday to finish the tasks for the day then indulging in distractions instead of working in those valuable hours.

3. Reward Yourself

Allow yourself to do something you enjoy once you have met your goal. Go for a walk, watch your favourite YouTube video, or eat chocolate. Give yourself something to feel good about that your brain will correlate with success.

4. Keep Your Priorities in Check

Decide on your priorities for the next day every night before sleeping. Making your “To-Achieve/To-Do List” before going to bed has been demonstrated to assist your brain prepare for it. Consider it like putting together your outfit the night before to save time getting dressed in the morning.

5. Self-Awareness is Important

Become aware of the things that cause you to be distracted. Create a list of things that divert your attention (e.g., phone, Facebook, emails, etc.) and avoid them when you try to be productive. Keep them hidden in a safe area or ask someone to assist you in hiding them until you complete the job.

6. Focus can be a Game-Changer

Do not lose focus once you set your mind on a problem. Your progress will be affected if you lose your line of thinking. You must practise laser-like focus on the tasks at hand to make things happen.

7. Be Consistent

It is not like you have to do these exercises just once, but be consistent to accomplish your bigger and long-term goals. You have to keep making efforts till you achieve your heart’s desire. The key to success is to keep doing what you are doing persistently.

Now, many might have a question if it involves working, then why do we have to imagine or self-talk in this manner. Well, the critical point is, a simple effort will not take you where you want to go, as it takes us to tap into our subconscious self to speed up the process and get what we wish. 

To all of us, inner guidance was, is, and will be constantly available, provided, we are listening. Anyone harnessing the mind correctly, would use it to define a problem or set an intention and then quickly jump back, instead of the conscious mind deciding to get involved to weigh the pros and cons and come to rational decisions.

It distorts reality and causes unnecessary emotional strain. Once we get used to getting that in our guidance, we will immerse in it. We have to open ourselves to seek the light within. We can attain the free pass to our inner self by lowering our guard and letting the light shine through our souls. Once we achieve one goal, it is time to set our sail to the next one. Life is a circle, and the only thing that changes is our place on it, as the circle of life keeps going.

Awareness of the Sense of Possibility

The majority of people are curious to know about ways to enhance the sense of possibility. Before improving the sense of possibility or anything, in particular, it is a must to consciously hear our inner voice, or discover our way of looking at the sense of possibility. It is crucial to differentiate between possibility, probability, and reality because it is the first step to convert our possibilities into reality. There are many ways to look at the inner sense, and all of them are the right ways.

1. None 

It is about letting things the way they are, more like going with the flow. It happens when you are perpetually grounded, where you only believe what you see. Not an inch more and not an inch less than that.

2. Hypothesis 

It is the cognitive way of looking at things driven by facts and data. When your sense is hypothesis-driven, then it becomes, “I think therefore I am.”

3. Imagination 

It is a rather emotional way of looking at things where you let the future use you. It is the way of giving your imaginations the power to carve your future.

4. Belief 

It is intuitive and anti-rational, and it evolves when you do not believe in the facts and figures. Instead, you set your mind on something and start working in that direction to make it come true.

5. Faith 

It is the spiritual or religious ground where you put your blind faith in the higher or supreme power. It makes you believe that everything happening in your life is for a reason, and it is best for you. 

When you look at these facets of possibilities, think of what suits you best or the one that resonates with your being. Once you are aware of your sense of possibility, that is when you can enhance it for a better future. It is, however, perfectly okay to switch from your sense of possibility to the ones discussed here. Every day is a new day, and it is never late to find where your possibilities lie. This world is full of possibilities, and human beings are unlimited.


If you are not sure of your life’s dreams and need guidance, then you can reach out to us at Or to explore the elaborated description of possibilities, you can register for the program here:


Written By: Jimmy Jain
Edited By: Afreen Fatima

Society of Design Thinking Professionals


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