Jimmy Jain, Founder & CEO, Society of Design Thinking Professionals

Gallup Certified Coach - Clifton StrengthsFinder and Business Builder Profile 10, Best Design Thinking Practitioner - Asia Pacific Congress, Best Trainer - World HRD Congress, Internationally Certified Master Trainer of Design Thinking, Author, Speaker, Trainer, Serial Entrepreneur

SDTP not just creates objects or beautifies the world around us, we make an attempt to match necessity to utility, constraint to possibility, and need to demand.

It is a society where we make a blueprint for creative leadership seeking to infuse design thinking, an approach to cater to all facets of any organization, products, services or to discover new alternatives for business and society on a whole.

We learn how to design around our customer. We experiment with proven tools on real-life challenges. We develop practical skills that we can apply immediately. And we leave with the know-how and confidence to drive change across our organisation.

We want to be the facilitators of making people get engaged with their calling, and design a life, which they wish they should live. We’re building to learn, and learning as we build, through inspiration, ideation, and implementation.

If you are reading this then you are a step closer to this amazing community.I am keen to get you on board in this community program and wish you a happy life. In the spirit of making the difference!

Know more about Jimmy